Top 10k strings from Graphic Editor, The (19xx)(-).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 HD$$$HHPP $$$
   2 "Enter drive No. or 0 for tape.";
   2 "  FILE NAME ? ";n$:
   1 lSlRtAoesStdAiBzsreDA$CsDAsBpIibyxxIPdOMlRTCdPSmqpvdDA$B$AlFrBaPnIansEDtES((
   1 XPOS=0  YPOS=0  
   1 HPP @@@@    
   1 <<<<????<<<<
   1 ;"Z to COPY,C to CONTIUE"
   1 ;"GRAPHIX":
   1 ;"GRAPHIX"
   1 ;"4 = INTRUCTIONS."
   1 ;"1 = GRAPHIC EDITOR."
   1 63232 to load inthe character sets."  
   1 .Anyof these can be redifined.The   SET function allow any of the 8 sets to be selected as the set  currently being worked  on."
   1 +"The display can be split into   three main areas:"
   1 +"The characters are designed as  normal 8*8 characters or 4 at a time to produce 16*16 u.d.g's."
   1 +"9-CYCL (cycle)"+
   1 +"7-EXP (expand)"+
   1 +"6-ROT (rotate)"+
   1 +"5-CLR INV and CHEQ"
   1 +"3-GET and PUT"
   1 +"13-IPBF (colours)"+
   1 +"11-SET (select character set)"
   1 +"1-SPD (cursor speed)"
   1 +"   If you have designed animatedcharacters this funtion allows  you to cycle through them to seehow the animation looks.Use the lower screen cursor to select a range to be cycled through.Note in 16*16 mode 4 characters at a time will be displayed."
   1 +"    To the right of the grid youwill see a  box containing the  characters being worked on.Belowthis are the numbers 7000 and   below them IPBF standing for:   INK:PAPER:BRIGHT:FLASH place thecursor over I and you can changethe colour of the characters in the box.The other attributes arechanged in the same way."
   1 +"    This program for the 48k ZX SPECTRUM can be used to design  and save 8 full character sets."
   1 +"    This function selects either16*16 (4 characters ata time or 8*8 (single character) as the   mode being worked in.Note all   other functions work according  to the current mode."
   1 +"    This function rotates the   character through 90 degrees."
   1 +"    These two funtions mirror   the character in the grid eitherhorizontally or vertically."
   1 +"    These funtions double the   size of the character in either the horizontal or vertical
   1 +"    The program can manipulate  the  characters in many ways e.grotating,shifting,magnifiing andmirroring as designing is takingplace."
   1 +"    Selects either set or reset pixels for the cursor.When pix  is set (PIX 
   1 +"    Now all printing will use   character set 2.To print using  other character sets simply use the same line substituting the  adress of the set for the 64000 in the poke statements."
   1 + POKE 23607,
   1 ) the cursor will  set  pixels in grid when it is  reset (PIX _) the cursor will   reset pixels in the grid." 
   1 (64000/256-1):POKE 23606,64000-256*
   1 (64000/256)"
   1 % SET 1-63232
   1 "LOADING etc."
   1 "Enter ""t"" for tape or ""m"" for  microdrive 1.";
   1 "8-SHFT (shift character)"
   1 "4-MIR (mirror character)"+
   1 "2-SINC (set sinclair font)"
   1 "12-MOD (16*16/8*8 mode)"+
   1 "10-PIX (set or reset)"+
   1 "1-THE GRID"
   1 " 1 - UP    Q - DOWN
   1 "  HOW MANY SETS (1-8) ? ";
   1 "    When selecting a funtion    such as GET which moves a singlecharacter or group of four
   1 "    When keyboard is selected   the keys that replace the stick are:
   1 "    This is a 16*16 grid at the top left of the screen where    design of characters take place.Note when in 8*8 mode the top   left 8*8 area only will be used"
   1 "    This function sets the speedof the cursor on the grid in therange 1-5,5 being the slowest."
   1 "    These functions clear invertand set grid to a chequerboard  repectivly."
   1 "    There are 8 character sets  in the program when it loads
   1 "    The upper screen curson is  used in the grid and to select  functions.In the grid it will   either set or reset pixels when the fire button is pressed
   1 "    The speed of the cursor in  the grid is controled by the SPD function (see later)"
   1 "    The program works on a point and press basis keyboardentry is needed when a joystick is used.You simply place the    cursor over the desired option  and press the button."
   1 "    Some funtions requir a rangeof characters to be specified   (e.g. SINC) to do this again thelower screen cursor is used.    Select the first character and  then the last of the required   range."
   1 "    Select this funtion and thenuse the lower screen cursor to  select a range ( 'a'  then 'z').All the characters    from a-z will be set to normal  sinclair fonts."
   1 "    Select this function and    SHFT will become inverse-Now usethe direction keys to move your character around in the grid.Press fire again to release this   function."
   1 "    On the right of the screen  are all the funtions available. To select any of these functionssimply place the cursor on it   and press fire.Some take effect instantly (e.g.ROT) and some    require a character or characterrange to be specified (e.g.GET)."
   1 "    On the bootom six lines of  the screen is a display of the  full sinclair character set and the current set (of 8) which is being worked on.This area is    used to select characters with  the lower screen cursor and to  display the characters so far   deigned."
   1 "    Now we have loaded in our 3 character sets at addresses:
   1 "    If for example we wish to   print characters from set 2  at address 64000 we must make the  system variable CHARS point to  the start of the character set. To do this use the line:
   1 "    GET will transfer either 1  or 4 characters (see MOD) from  the character set into the work area to be altered orinspected. PUT places a designed or edited character (or group of 4) back  anywhere in the character set."
   1 "    Each character set takes up 768 bytes of memory therefor if,for example,we have 3 saved setswe need to reserve 3*768=2304   bytes.This means we must reload the characters to address 65536-2304=63232.Therefore we type    CLEAR 63231 to reserve the ram  then LOAD""""
   1 " GET and use the  lower screen cursor to select   '0'-characters 0124 will move   into the grid area (or just 0   if in 8*8 mode.)"
   1 "    At any time pressing ':'(z  and symbol shift) will return tobasic.Now type RUN and you will be given the load/save menu.Notewhen saving character sets you  must specify how many sets (1-8)you want to save."
   1 "    All funtions will work on   either one or four consecutive  characters depending on mode."
   1  in both diractions-the 0 will be16*16 pixels in size."
   1  direction.E.g.use GET to get    characters 0123 and use EXP
   1  depending on the curren PIX modeselected.The fire button can be held down while moving in the   grid to draw continuously."
   1  cursor which is an inverse blockUse this cursor to select the   character to be moved into the  work area."
   1  characters into the work area   depending on MOD setting controlpasses to the lower screen
   1  ZX COMPILER  V2.0
   1  To use the characters from thesesets we must proceed as follows."
   1  SET 3-64768
   1  SET 2-64000
   1  H - FIRE BUTTON"
   1  F - LEFT  G - RIGHT
   1  1983 THRELFALL and HODGSON    Compiled OK   Program Length =  bytes   To run enter RAND USR "